Microsoft Excel Starting Point to Skillful
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استمتع بتعلم الإيكسل مع دورتنا الإلكترونية ! من المستوى الأول إلى المتقدم، تعلم الجداول، الدوال، وتحليل البيانات قم بتعزيز مهاراتك لتحقيق النجاح الشخصي والمهني.
عموميات حول الـ Excel
1واجهة الإيكسلالسابق 11mn
2الكتابة على الإيكسلThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
3تغيير شكل الخليةThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
4إنشاء الجداولThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
5العمليات الحسابيةThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
الدوال الأساسية
الدوال المتقدمة
7دالة الجمع بمعيار واحدThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
8دالة الجمع بمعايير متعددةThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
9دالة الجمع بمعايير متعددةThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
10دالة البحث العموديThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
11دالة الشرطThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
12دالة الشرط بعدة معاييرThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
13دالة العدد بمعيار معينThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
14دالة دمج النصوصThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
15دالة اخفاء الأخطاءThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
16دوال التواريخThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
17العمليات الحسابية على الساعاتThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
18تثبيت خليةThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Excel خصائص الـ
19تصفية البياناتThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
20ترتيب البياناتThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
21القوائم المنسدلةThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
22الجداول المحوريةThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
23اظهار وحذف القيم المتكررةThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
24اللصق الخاصThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
25البحث والتعويضThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
26تثبيت الأسطر والأعمدةThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
27تحويل الأعداد الى أحرفThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
28التنسيق الشرطيThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
29الرسوم البيانيةThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
30دالة المجموع الفرعيThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
31الطباعة على الإيكسالThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
32التمرين 1This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
33حل التمرين 1This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
34التمرين 2This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
35حل التمرين 2This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
36التمرين 3This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
37حل التمرين 3This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
38التمرين 4This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
39حل التمرين 4This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
40التمرين 5This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
41حل التمرين 5This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
خصائص أخرى
42حساب معدل دراسيThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
43حماية ملف وخصائصهاThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
44القوائم المنسدلة بشروطThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
45الإرتباطات التشعبيةThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
46ملأ وثيقة من قاعدة بياناتThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
47جدول تسيير المخزونThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
48انشاء فاتورةThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
49حساب تكلفة الشراء (الإستيراد)This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
50المقارنة بين الجداولThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
51الإستهدافThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
52شكل الخلية حسب الطلبThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
53مسير السيناريوهاتThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
54وضع النص وسط مجموعة خلاياThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
55خصائص التحقق من البياناتThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
56Si.conditions الدالةThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
57خصائص تراصف الأشكالThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
58تغيير ترتيب الأعمدة على الإيكسالThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
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